Monday, September 3, 2007

About August

This month started out a little slow, but picked up pretty fast. Before we knew it we were doing something everyday which doesn't happen very often (as you know if your a missionary). Sometimes we can find it very frustrating being in a big place, but with nothing to do. Without having our visas it has made it even harder, because we can't volunteer at the moment. We are hoping to get them within the next month.*fingers crossed* So as for now, we are getting to know our fellow brothers and sisters here. This past month I was able to go to a going away party for some other missionaries who have been in different parts of Sydney and Newcastle for the last 2yrs. I found it very emotional and it wasn't even me leaving! Just hearing about everything they have done and the relationships they have I pray to God that I can atleast make half the impact they have made. Being a missionary has taught me so much just within the last 3 months thats it's not about you and me, it's about them. My team and I have recently started a girls Bible study with the young girls in our congregation every Monday night. So far it has been going really good. I hope we can make an impact on these girls, but thats in God's hands. Please pray for us and the girls here so that all our hearts be opened to him and that we're able to be a good influence on them. On Tuesday's we go to a Ladies Bible class with the elderly ladies in the congregation. I know it has made an impact on me and I've been able to learn from them as well. My teammates and I have been picking up different roles in the class as to leading prayers, song leading and even teaching the class:) Every Wednesdays we have our weekly meeting with our co-ordinators and then we head off to the Uni (University) for lunch where we have a Bible study with some of the students. It's so amazing to see the love for Jesus in people my age and I know it has to put a smile on God's face as well:) On Wednesday evenings my team cooks dinner for the congregation before service. After service we all meet at Mackas(McDonalds) for coffee and more worship with each other. Every Friday we rotate as to who goes to Donnison St. That ministry is so fun and gives me and amazing feeling doing something for someone who couldn't afford that meal. All the glory for that goes to God. This past Friday was the youth group putting it on and they served 102 meals! It was AIMazing! At the end of this past month we went to a camp called Toukley and had what we would call Family Camp. It was so much fun. I paired up with my teammate Jessi and we taught class for the 6-9yr olds. Now every Sunday I had been teaching the pre-kindergarden class so it was defininately a change for me, but a good change:) Well.. this was pretty much it for this month. Thank you ALL for supporting me in this missionary trip to Australia! I can't believe I'm going on my 4th month already:) Remember that ya'll are apart of what I do here too! Thanks again:) Keep my team and I in your prayers as you all are in mine daily<3.


Jcato said...

well Dani you and your team are doing a great work. We couldn't be more proud of all of you. Stay the course spread the word. Love ya Dad n Mom

Unknown said...

Hi Dani! It sounds like you have settled and becoming a real Aussie! You guys are doing good things there. We pray for you always. Greg & Len Niesen

James & Andrea said...

Hey Dani, I'm excited that you started a blog! I hope you can add to it with pictures or short updates often. We'll be checking!

I love hearing about your ministries there. It brings back so many memories. I'm proud of you for sticking through the tougher times to keep on serving Him. Your attitude encourages me so much! You are constantly in our prayers. Every day countless people are lifting your name to God multiple times!! Awesome!

Love, your sister,